
November 1, 2013

Fall Mantle Sign

It's Fall Friday!!! Today is a great month, it's my anniversary, it's Thanksgiving, and I get to share all my fun fall décor with you!
I thought I start off by saying "Did everyone have a blast for Halloween?"
Our kids got way more candy than they should have. Our business is in the mall so we always start the night off by passing out candy to all the kids there. We then made our way to our church where the kids played games and got their bags filled with candy. We then drove around to some scary houses and let the kids do some trick~or~treating. It's always fun to see all the kids dressed up.
Here are my kiddos for Halloween. Jaden and Cameron both decided they wanted to do Wizard of Oz when they seen the outfits and we talked Zane into too! I thought they looked so cute, but I'm their Mom I'm suppose to say that right?

Cameron was having a 'Fall Party' at her school today (her teacher was gone yesterday) and of course I was recruited by Cameron to make cupcakes. We got home late from trick~or~treating and so I got a late start on them but I got them done. I then go to the school this morning and I was stopped saying that it is now district policy that we can't bring anything homemade to school. WHAT??? Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard? I got home and sent an email asking to see where this policy is written because I couldn't find it anywhere. I got an email back saying there was a reason but that was it. That wasn't a good enough answer for me so now I'm waiting on a phone call. Sorry about that I just had to vent.
Anyways I'll no longer keep you in suspense about what I am going to share with you today for my fall décor. I always have more Fall décor so I can have September, October, and November to display my décor. If I only put up Halloween décor I couldn't display it as long if you know what I mean.
Here it is! A lovely wooden sign that screams it's FALL!!!! I made this sign to hang above my mantle. I am so glad I did because I love it so much I'm not sure I want to take it down once it's time for the Christmas décor to go up lol. I can't wait to show you more of my Fall mantle!
Thanks for stopping in!

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