
October 31, 2013

Halloween Treats, Fun, and Decor

I'm a little mad at myself for not being able to blog as much since college has started. I thought this term would go a little more smoothly for me, and it has except it seems like I have had more going on than I ever could have thought was possible. So because I didn't get all of my "Halloween stuff" up to share with you all, I figured I'd just do one big last Halloween post since it's Halloween and I won't get another chance. So I'm going to share on here the last of my Halloween décor and all the yummy fun the family has had this month!

Let's start with Halloween treats! Yummy!

My younger daughter Cameron and I whipped up some yummy ghost and mummy cupcakes

I let the kids practice their frosting skills's not about the looks it's about the fun!
One morning my little guy wanted "special" pancakes so I made him a pumpkin
I know our family eats a lot of sweets.....anyways we whipped up some Halloween chex snack mix
I'll have you know I have never had a cavity, I'm not sure how but it's the truth.
Anyways my Mom used to make these every Halloween for us kids. Although popcorn balls are yummy they are still hard to eat, but it's worth it!
Cameron loves her sweets as well! Like Mother like Daughter :)
I finally got the oldest in on some fun! Jaden is always so busy I almost don't get to see her anymore. The life of a teenage girl!
Now onto the rest of my Halloween décor!
This is my spider and his web. I made the web with Elmer's glue and glitter. My spider was made from pom-poms and pipe cleaner. (I did a guest post over at Blissful and Domestic and you can find more about this spider over there...10 Frugal Halloween Decor Ideas)
I seen these "feather trees" at Hobby Lobby and tried to make my own. I don't like how they turned out and I'm going to make another attempt next year and take my time, but for now it added some nice décor to the house.

This is my witch's table. I made the witch's hat from cardstock. The potions I put some paint inside little jars. For the witch's brew I used some foam sealant and added some parts to it. I made the little clothes from felt. (You can also find out more about this witch's table over at Blissful and Domestic also on the same post...10 Frugal Halloween Decor Ideas)

I added some bats to my light for a little fun. (Again to see more about this decoration hop on over to Blissful and Domestic and check out my guest post 10 Frugal Halloween Decor Ideas)

For my ghost mirror I used frosted glass spray. (To find out more about this lovely ghost mirror head on over to Blissful and Domestic and my guess post 10 Frugal Halloween Decor Ideas will give a little more detail)

Who could forget carving pumpkins!!! My son wanted Sponge Bob...I guess he turned out o.k.

Cameron wanted a haunted mansion...this is a little more my area since I stink at carving pumpkins!

Jaden wanted ghost...I'm kinda sad because I couldn't get a good shot of this one so it actually looks a lot better in person!
Well thanks for letting me share the rest of my HALLOWEEN FUN with you all!
What have you done for the month of October??? It's always a fun month!

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