
May 20, 2013

Teachers Are Special!!!

It's that time of year again when the kids have their last week of school and you are going crazy trying to make it to each school for so many different things. For me I have 3 kids and 3 different schools. Talk about going crazy! At least I have been able to make it to each event because they haven't been on the same day but each day we have somewhere to be. Sound familiar to any of you? I can't wait until summer when the kids are home and have no place to be......then reality hits and the kids get sick of each other and are driving each other crazy. Then I grow some gray hairs and keep telling myself the kids will grow out of this and be best siblings forever! Wishful thinking.

O.K. now time for some end of school love for the teachers! This week is the last week for each of my kids. This year I put my little guy in preschool which was new to me. I want to have my kids in the house for as long as possible but Zane was ready to socialize and couldn't stand to be at home with his Mommy all day unlike my girls :(  But I knew it was best so he could burn off some of that energy boys have. Plus he was a big big Mommy's boy and I was afraid that the transition next year to Kindergarten would be to much for him. Being home 24-7 with Mommy to being at school 5 days a week might have been a little much. By doing this he was away for a couple hours a day and hopefully the transition next year will be easier. 
With school coming to an end I wanted Zane's teachers to feel special for all that they do! Teachers are something special...I would not have the patience for it and I commend them greatly for everything they do! So for Zane's teacher and teacher's aid Zane and I made a little something to thank them.
We made some flower pots!
Here's what they look like! 

 For his teacher...a decorated flower pot

Zane and his teacher on a flower with popsicle stick

A pinwheel flower with a popsicle stick

Scissor stickers on a flower with a popsicle stick

An apple stamp on a flower with popsicle stick

(left side) Thanks for helping me grow
(right side) a picture of the class on the flower pot with ribbon at the bottom

For his other teacher....a decorated flower pot

Zane and his teacher on a flower with a popsicle stick

A pinwheel flower on a popsicle stick

A glue sticker on a popsicle stick

An apple stamp on a flower with a popsicle stick

(left side) Thanks for helping me grow
(right side) a picture of the class on the flower pot with ribbon at the bottom

I hope Zane's teacher with love their gift!

Last week Zane's class had graduation so I was able to snap a picture of the whole class with their teacher's, (that's why I was able to snap a picture of Zane with his teachers above).
I decided that I didn't want to leave the kids out and I wanted the kids to have a picture of all of them together. Since they don't have class pictures I wanted them to be able to remember their preschool year together. Also I wanted to be able to give something to the parents who weren't able to make it to the graduation, so they could have a little memory of them. So I printed these up, glued the picture on, and put a little decoration on the edges of the picture. I made sure to put the school year on it.
Zane was excited to give these to his classmates, unfortunately he was sick today so I had to run them to the school myself in case some of the kids didn't come to school tomorrow, that's their last day. All the kids were so excited, I love big smiles :) And they were all concerned that Zane was sick :( How sweet of them!

 Here's what I put on the top of the page

This is what I put at the bottom of the page

It's enjoyable to make someones day! It is so rewarding. The gifts for the teacher's could be given at anytime. For a birthday, teacher appreciation day, at the end of school, or just because they are your children's teacher who are a big part of your child's life.

Because I already had everything except the pictures and the flower pots (which I got for a dollar at the dollar store) the price was about $3.00. A wonderful price for wonderful teacher's!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, and if you want to put a smile on the stressed out teacher's face....give them a little something special so they know it is all worth being a teacher and that is why they love their job!

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