
May 28, 2013

DIY Flower Pots For An Angel

I have been so busy this week. I'm not sure if it's because the kids are home, or because my son was sick for a whole week, or because I know that I just need to get things done! Does anyone else take on too many projects at one time and then feel overwhelmed? My husband made sure to point that out yesterday. Maybe he was feeling neglected.....
 My older brother, myself (left side), my sister (right side) helping with the see that garden in the back my Mom grew, and that was only 1/4 of it 
 My little brother and my oldest daughter prepping for the garden 

Well today let's do something easy and fun outside...something for flowers! I love gardening, it reminds me of my Mom who passed away of cancer a few years ago so this is for her. I lived on a farm growing up and my Mom always had this huge garden full of everything, (I wish I had the green thumb like her). It's always great to look at my garden and think of my Mom and the kids love to hear me talk about her when we are planting things. I think it's a special and important to keep her memory alive especially for Zane who only knew her as a baby. Even though my oldest (Jaden) has a hard time with it (she was exspecially close to her) I know she loves to see the garden when everything starts to bloom.
Alright now that I am done reminiscing let me get back to the whole garden thing. I got this idea from pinterest click here. When I seen it I loved the idea of it and had this little corner spot on my patio and knew it would be perfect for that spot! It was a cheap way to add a little something to my patio and do it for someone special....

These are the items I used:
• 3 cinder blocks (didn't get a pic)
• 3 flat cinder blocks didn't get a pic)
• A 1 1/2 inch hole punch
• Painters tape (I used 2 different sizes)
• A can of spray paint

I decided on the designs I wanted. For the first one I did polka dots. I was going to hole punch each circle but it was sticking so I just folded the tape a few times and then punched it. It was way easier and faster. At times it was hard to pry the circles apart from each other but not to bad. I handed the circles over to to the kids and they put them on the blocks. I then spray painted over them. On the sides I just opened the tape that I cut the circle from and laid them down, covered any spots I didn't want painted. I like the front and back more so I have since spray painted the sides like the front and back.

Next I did stripes. I got my smaller tape, placed a strip across it. Then place another strip under it until I had 3 strips and then removed the middle one. Then I spray painted it. I didn't take an after pic so this will have to do. Of course the one I needed a pic of is in the back.

For the last one I did diagonal stripes. I place a big strip then a small strip until I reached the bottom. I then pulled up the big strip and spray painted. I'm not sure how they came out so neat and connected on the sides but it looked great so I was happy! Sometimes not trying is the best way to go.
Now time to set them in the corner. I spray painted a flat cinder block and then put it under each cinder block. I did that so it could how the soil for the plants. I stacked them and now I have something to put flowers in! It adds some color to my patio and who doesn't love flowers! For a bigger space you could use more blocks too.
Now I can plant my seeds although I think I'm going to run to the store and get some flowers that are already bloomed because I don't think I can wait to have pretty flowers in this awesome 'flower pot.'
I know I am horrible at explanations, pictures, step~by~step instructions, before and after shots, but I try. So if you have any questions feel free to ask. Hopefully I can get a picture up soon of the 'flower pot' with flowers in it soon!
In Loving Memory of Ellen Marie Scott~Lawrence
When God takes an Angel he picks the best!
 My Mom with 5 of her 8 grandkids :)

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