
August 5, 2018

Teens Defining Discipleship

(This logo is one that I created, please do not copy or redistribute)
I have mentioned before that my husband is a Pastor and this year I decided to do something new with the youth. Unfortunately these days many churches struggle to find devoted volunteers and for our church we have been unable to find a volunteer youth pastor(s), therefor if we wanted a youth group my husband and I would have to do it despite our hectic schedules.  Our church denomination rotates pastors on average every 3-4 years, so when we moved here there was no youth group. Having 2 teenagers it was important to me implement a youth program which we have been doing, however it is hard to keep them interested. Youth groups are not the same as when I grew up.

Bringing youth into church is one of my top priorities because of many different reasons. In today's society teens continue to be labeled as disrespectful, lazy, selfish, violent and the list continues and I was unhappy with this label because not all teens are are this way. I was ready to prove to society that teens are not "worthless," in fact with the right guidance they can remarkable people. As an adult and as a church I feel it is our job to guide and direct these youth to be children of God and to be the best that they can be, not just for themselves but in society as well. I find it more important than ever to establish a youth group because of the problems that many youth endure. I wanted them to have a "safe haven" where for a moment they could just be teens, not worry about the struggles they are going through, in some cases the lack of family support or neglect, and have someone they could count on. You never know the impact you can have on a teenager and I find it imperative to be a good role model and be someone they look up to because they may not have that in their life. 

Church is a place to shape people into loving Christians and I have found that even without parents who go to church, youth thirst to find this relationship with God. We have several youth members whose families do not attend church, yet the youth are there...what does that say? It definitely does not say that they are lazy, selfish, etc. it says that families are failing to direct their children to be children of God and this is why our youth a being labeled, not because of who they are but because no one has guided them in the proper direction.

Now this does not apply to all families however being in the counseling field I know that youth are lost. The second leading cause of death in teenagers ages 10-19 years of age is suicide and it breaks my heart. This is why it is my mission to have an impact on youth.  So this year I came up with TEENS DEFINING DISCIPLESHIP. I wanted to bring youth into church and listening to a lesson each week doesn't exactly motivate them to come each week. So this year our goal is to love one another by impacting our community. Each month the youth will create a project and give it to someone in need, the elderly, or someone who needs their day brightened. This year our TEENS will DEFINE DISCIPLESHIP and show the world what discipleship is really about! These teens are Disciples of God and they can make a difference in this world. 

I am sick of adults complaining that teens are vile instead they should be doing something about it. If you are so worthy then you should be the one to help them be the best that they can be because not every child has a good upbringing. If your child has had the "luxury" of a stable upbringing (as my children have had) then they should be the ones who set examples, be encouraging, lead other youth, and most importantly love all youth, you never know whose life they will impact. I'm not saying this to be hateful but sometimes I find that adults are the biggest hypocrites. I am ready to guide and direct these youth to be the best that they can be and I challenge you to do the same.
I would love to hear what you or your church has done to keep the youth interested in church. 
Stay tuned to find out about our first project that our youth are doing! We are super excited for our new program! 

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