
July 28, 2013

DIY Burlap Prints

I am ready to share my next post with you! I have officially finished the new look to my living room. I was very happy with the way it turned out. I have shared with you some of my DIY living room but this one I'm more than excited with the way it turned out!
All over the web I have seen pictures where people showcased the last letter of their last name in a frame. I loved that idea and couldn't be happier to do it myself...until the wonderful idea went bad. I had this vision of putting painted wood for the background and placing an 'S' on it.
I picked up a beautiful frame to showcase this idea. I spray painted the frame and got right to work on my project. I then put the idea together, placed it on my wall, and was absolutely disgusted with the way it turned out. I left it on my wall for about 5 months trying to figure out what I was going to do with that beautiful frame and the 'S' because I loved the 'S' too.
Well I'm here to tell you that I finally put that frame to good use and couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. So let's get started!
 The before and after shot of the lovely frame I bought for $5.00.
A few nicks and scratches but nothing I couldn't fix.
I spray painted it and it turned out beautiful! Just what I wanted!
 Next I laid out how I wanted the boards to look and the order I wanted the colors.
I then painted them and was ready to put it all together.....
 I glued it together, gave it an antique look, and put the 'S' in the middle.
I hung it up, put some wall candles beside it and it looked pitiful.
It looked nothing like I had envisioned.
With all the disappointment, I left it on the wall trying to come up with a plan for my beautiful frame.
I was hopeless and even stopped my DIY living room for a couple of months to come up with another plan.
Finally it hit me....I was looking at some burlap, (it was around the 4th of July), and there was printed stars and stripes on the burlap. That was it...put a picture on burlap and frame it! I couldn't wait to put the plan into action. I decided to go with a tree and some birds since that is the 'theme' in my living room.
Here's a reminder of the refurbished frame.
Here's a reminder of the ugly background the frame had before.
Here's the print on the burlap!
Have you seen where people use an iron to put prints onto fabric?
Lucky for me we own a business that does exactly that, only professional.
So I sent the print idea right over to my Hubby who transferred it to the burlap!
I used the ugly boards as a foundation for the burlap.
I hot glued the burlap to the boards.
I then hot glued that to the frame!
Here is my new picture! I can't tell you how much better it looks on my wall!
I just love it. Finally my beautiful frame has something to showoff instead of destroying it.
If you look closely you can see the 3 birds in the tree...they represents my kids. Jaden, Cameron, and Zane! You can also see why I was so excited to share with you this DIY project. It was a DIY project gone bad but now I'm happy it went bad because I like this a lot more!
The burlap picture now matches my Burlap Vases and everything in my living room is now starting to come together! It took some time for me to finish my living room but it was worth it. I can't wait to show you some more of my DIY living room.
So what do you you like? Do you think it looks better than the boards and the 'S'? Well I did love the 'S' so make sure you check back with me to see what I did with the 'S' has a new home and I love it!

Link Parties: Huckleberry Love, Keeping it Simple, Sew Many Ways

This post was featured here:


  1. That's really pretty! I love the tree!


    1. Thanks...I think it's much better than the first try!

  2. I LOVE this idea and I LOVE how it turned out! Thank you so much for sharing this at our All about Burlap Party!!! :)

    1. Thank you! Who could resist a Burlap Party!

  3. So much better now. The design ties in nicely with the candle holders. Lucky you to have access to a professional printer.

    1. Thank you! Yes it has it advantages when you want a permanent print.
