
May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Flowers

Well it's a little late to post ideas for Mother's Day but I'm going to post a couple of things I came up with for the kiddos at my church so they had something to give to their Mommy. So if you like it maybe it will come in handy for a little craft project in the future.
On Thursdays we have youth. When my hubby became the youth pastor we soon realized that the younger kids were going too. We talked and decided that he would take the youth and I would take the children so I could do a lesson that they could understand for their age (and keep them busy) and he could be more detailed with the older kids in their lesson. I also decided to that since their wasn't children's church on Sundays that I would take care of that too. When you have a 5 year old boy trying to sit through church it doesn't go so well. So our Pastor approved and I now am in charge of that also. I really am enjoying all of it. I was basically confined to my house for 12 years due to health issues, but now that that has been resolved I am happy to do anything esp. for our church! I complained for so many years that I wasn't able to use my talents like I wish I could. My advice,  just be careful what you ask God for because he heard my request, fixed my health issues, and made sure my life is super busy now. But I wouldn't change any of it. I love my new role and I love seeing the children have a big smile on their face!
So Thursday I came up with a lesson plan for children's church and soon realized that Mother's Day was the upcoming Sunday. Talk about being so busy I didn't even realize Mother's Day was approaching oops. So I looked on pinterest found this idea! Roses made from a celery stalk. I thought that was just adorable and had everything I needed already, which really helped since I had to come up with an idea last minute.

Here's the result, my 2 younger kids did.

 This one is from Cameron my 8 year old.

This one is from Zane my 5 year old.

Supplies: The bottom of a celery stalk, paint and paper
Instructions: Dip the top where you cut the celery stalk in some paint and press onto paper. Let them do some finger painting for the rose stems. I had the kids add thumb prints to make little hearts. There you have it, a simple inexpensive craft, for any occasion, for any age (even adults)!

On Sunday I had them make these flowers.

 Cameron's flower

Zane's flower

Supplies: Foam flowers, a stamp, popsicle sticks and stickers.
Place your stamp in ink and stamp it onto the flower. Hot glue the popsicle stick to the back of the flower. Hand it over to the kids and let them decorate it!

You could use any stamp for any occasion and it's super easy, keeps the kids busy, and if your kids are like mine, they love crafts!

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